Het Ziptone klantcontact woordenboek verklaart de betekenis van meer dan 1200 vaktermen, afkortingen en acroniemen uit het vakgebied klantcontact. Op zoek naar uitgebreide informatie over onderwerpen als bereikbaarheid of servicelevel? Check dan de Ziptone kennisbank, waar je uitvoerige kennisartikelen vindt.
- Aanbesteding
- Aangeboden Gesprek (offered call)
- Abandoned Call (inbound)
- Abandonment Rate (inbound)
- Abandonment Rate (outbound)
- ABC – Always Be Closing
- ABN – Algemeen Beschaafd Nederlands
- Abonnee-informatiedienst
- Accent translation technology
- Acceptatietest
- Accepted Call
- Access Charge
- Accounts Receivable
- ACD – Automated Call Distributor
- ACD-Groep
- ACD-Login
- ACD-Rapportage
- Acoustic shock
- Activity Code
- Adherence to Schedule
- Adoptie
- Afhandeltijd
- Afkoelingsperiode
- After Sales
- Afwezigheid
- Agent
- Agent assist
- Agent Functionaliteiten
- Agent ID
- Agent Occupancy
- Agent Out Call
- Agent Performance Report
- Agent Position
- Agent Selection
- Agent Status
- Agent Utilization
- Agent View
- Agentgroep
- Agentic AI
- Agile
- AI-Act
- AI-agent
- AI-assistent
- AI-geletterdheid
- Alarmcentrale
- Alexa
- Alfanumeriek
- Algemeen Verbindend Verklaring
- Algoritme
- All Hands On Deck (AHOD)
- All Trunks Busy (ATB)
- Alt-tab
- Amazon Q
- Analoog
- Announcement
- Answer Supervision
- Answered Call
- API-call
- App Foundry
- Applicatiebeheer
- Application Based Routing and Reporting
- Application Programming Interface (API)
- Application Service Provider (ASP)
- Architectuur
- Arrival Rate (Call arrival rate)
- Artificial general intelligence (AGI)
- Artificial general intelligence (AGI)
- Artificial Intelligence
- Ask for the business
- Assessment
- Assessment Center
- Assisted klantcontact
- Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL)
- Attendant
- Audio Response Unit
- Audiotex
- Auto Available
- Auto Reply
- Auto Wrap Up
- Automated Attendant
- Automatic Call Sequencer (ACS)
- Automatic Route Selection (ARS)
- Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
- Automatische Begroeting
- Automatische Nummer ldentificatie (ANI)
- Auxiliary Reason Code
- Auxiliary Work State
- Availability
- Availability level
- Available Status
- Available Time
- Avatar
- Average Call Value
- Average Delay
- Average Delay of Delayed Calls
- Average Delay to Abandon
- Average Handling Time (AHT)
- Average Holding Time on Trunks
- Average Number of Agents
- Average Out Time
- Average Queue Time
- Average Speed of Answer (ASA)
- Average Talk Time (ATT)
- Average Time to Abandonment (ATA)
- Average Wait Time
- Average Work Time (AWT)
- B Corp
- B-kanaal
- B2C, BtC
- Backoffice
- Backsourcing
- Bad Payers
- Balanced outcome score (BOS)
- Bard
- Barge-in (spraakherkenning)
- Barge-in (supervisor)
- Baseline Informatiebeveiliging Overheid (BIO)
- Basic Rate Interface (BRI)
- Basisbezetting
- Beantwoord Gesprek
- Beep Tone
- Behavioral targeting
- Bel me niet register
- Bellertolerantie
- Belpoging
- Benchmarking
- Beoordeling
- Bereik
- Bereikbaarheid
- Bereikbaarheidsonderzoek
- Berichtenbox
- Beschikbaarheid
- Best and final offer (BAFO)
- Best in Class
- Best of breed
- Best Practice
- Bestandsverrijking
- Beurtmelder
- Bezetting
- Bezettingsgraad
- Bezettoon
- Bezettoon
- Bezorgingsfraude
- Bid
- Bid manager
- Big data
- Bijzondere persoonsgegevens
- Blended learning
- Blending
- Blocked Calls
- Bloctel
- Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)
- Bluetooth
- Bodies in Chairs
- Bot
- Botshit
- Branchecertificaat
- Breedband
- Brick and Mortar
- Briefing
- Brii-Award
- Bring your own Device (BYOD)
- Budget
- Business intelligence (BI)
- Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
- Business Rules
- Business to Business (BtB)
- Business to business to consumer (BtBtC)
- Business to Consumer (BtC)
- Busy
- Calamiteitenplan
- Call
- Call Agent
- Call avoidance
- Call Back
- Call Back Messaging
- Call Blending
- Call Center Verband Deutschland (CCV)
- Call Centre Management Association (CCMA UK)
- Call Control Variabelen
- Call deflection
- Call Detail Recording (CDR)
- Call driver
- Call Forcing
- Call Forward
- Call Historie
- Call Load
- Call Logging
- Call Management System (CMS)
- Call Me Back Button
- Call Me Now Button
- Call Mix
- Call reason
- Call reasoning
- Call Recording
- Call reduction
- Call Selection
- Call Statistics
- Call Taping
- Call Treatment
- Call Volume
- Call-by-Call Routing
- Call/screen Recording
- Callcenter
- Callcenter Management
- Caller Entered Digits (CED)
- Caller ID
- Caller Line Identity (CLI)
- Calls Accepted
- Calls Answered
- Calls Handled
- Calls In Queue
- Calls Offered
- Calls Per Agent
- Campagne
- CAO (Collectieve Arbeids Overeenkomst)
- Captive
- Care
- Carrier
- Carrier Preselect
- Case deflection
- Case-Based Reasoning
- CCaaS
- CCM (Customer Contact Magazine)
- CCMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration)
- Center of excellence
- Centrex
- Centum Call Seconds (CCS)
- Channelmanagement
- Chaos Mentality
- Chat
- Chatbot
- ChatGPT
- Chatham House Rule
- Choose your own device (CYOD)
- Churn
- Civility reminder
- Class of Service
- Classroom training
- Clean Desk Policy
- Click Through Rate
- Client
- Client/Server
- Closed-loop Action
- Closed-loop Feedback
- Cloud
- Cloud applicatie
- Cloud bill shock
- Cloud migratie
- Cloudnative
- Co-Browsing
- Co-creatie
- Co-sourcing
- Co-sourcing
- Coaching
- Code Telemarketing
- Code verantwoord marktgedrag
- Cold Calling
- Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst (CAO)
- Collection
- Command and Control
- Common Ground
- Communicatieve vaardigheden
- Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS)
- Communications Server
- Competenties
- Complaints paradox
- Completed Call
- Compliance
- Composable software
- Computer Based Training
- Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)
- Concentrated Shift
- Concierge service
- Conditional Routing
- Conference Call
- Congestie
- Congestietoon
- Connected call
- Contact
- Contact Center Maturity Assessment (CCMA)
- Contact History
- Contact Rate
- Contact- of communicatiekanalen
- Contactcenter
- Contactcenter Agent
- Contactcenter Positionering
- Contacts Handled
- Content Management
- Content Management Systeem (CMS)
- Controlevragen
- Controlled Busies
- Conversational
- Conversational AI
- Conversational automation
- Conversational Designer
- Conversational IVR
- Conversational user interface (CUI)
- Conversie
- Copilot
- Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
- Cortana
- Cost of Delay
- Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)
- Cost per Call
- Cost per call
- Cost per Minute
- Cost per value
- Costcenter
- Country Code
- Cross-Selling
- Cross-Training
- CSV-file
- Cubicle
- Customer acquisition cost (CAC)
- Customer Advocacy
- Customer Care Center
- Customer Effort Score (CES)
- Customer engagement
- Customer experience (CX)
- Customer facing
- Customer journey
- Customer journey mapping
- Customer Lifecycle
- Customer Lifetime Value
- Customer Loyalty
- Customer outcome quality (COQ)
- Customer Profiling
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)
- Customer Service
- Customer Service Representative (CSR)
- Customer Survey
- Customer Value
- Cyber
- Cybercrime
- Cybersecurity
- D-kanaal
- Dagplanning
- Dagsturing
- Daily Arrival Sheet
- Daily standup
- Daluur
- Data
- Data analytics
- Data Directed Routing
- Data driven
- Data Protection Impact Asssesment (DPIA)
- Data protection officer
- Data security
- Data warehouse
- Data-entry
- Database
- Database Marketing
- Datalek
- Datamining
- Day of Week Routing
- DDoS aanval
- Dead On Arrival (DOA)
- Decibel (dB)
- Dedicated Agents
- Deep learning
- Deepdive
- Delay
- Delay Announcement
- Delay Before Answer
- Delivery center
- Demand organisatie
- Design thinking
- Desktop Telephony
- Dialed Number (DN)
- Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS)
- Dialer
- Dialog Manager
- Dienst
- Digibeet
- DigiD
- Digital native
- Digital Operations Resilience Act (DORA)
- Digital twin
- Digitale transformatie
- Digitalisering
- Direct Mail
- Direct Marketing
- Direct to Consumer
- Direct Writer
- Disaster Recovery Plan
- Distributed Callcenter
- Diversiteit
- DMAIC-methodologie
- Do Not Call Me (DNCM)
- Document Management
- Documentgericht werken
- Doorverbinden
- Double Exponential Smoothing
- Double Jack
- Downtime
- Doxing
- Dripmarketing
- Driver Based Forecasting
- Dual Tone MultiFrequency (DTMF)
- Dubbeltaken
- Dumb Switch
- Duty Manager
- Dynamic Answer
- Dynamic Script
- E-commerce
- E-learning
- E-mail management
- E-mail marketing
- e-wallet
- E.164
- Echo Cancellation
- Eenduidig klantbeeld
- Eerstelijn
- Eerstelijns Opvang
- eHerkenning
- Eisenhower Principe
- Emotionele intelligentie
- Employee Experience (EX)
- Employee Satisfaction
- Empowerment
- eNPS
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
- Envelope Strategy
- Equivalent Days
- Ergonomie
- Erlang
- Erlang B
- Erlang C
- Erlang, A.K.
- Error Rate
- Errors and Rework
- Escalatie
- Escalatieplan
- ESG-beleid
- European Accessibility Act (EAA)
- European Confederation of Contact Centre Organisations (ECCCO)
- European Customer Contact Alliance (ECCA)
- Europese Artikelnummering (EAN)
- Europese digitale identiteit (EUDI)
- Event Driven Forecasting
- Exchange Line
- Exit Interview
- Exit strategie
- Expected Wait Time (EWT)
- eXperience Level Agreement
- Expert Systeem
- Extensible Markup Language (XML)
- Extrapoleren
- Facilitair Contactcenter
- Fast Clear Down
- Fax
- Feedbackloop
- Field Service
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- Fire Wall
- First Call Resolution
- Flat Rate Service
- Flex Time Scheduling
- Flexibele schil
- Flexible Audio Recording Unit (FARU)
- Flexpool
- Flushing Out The Queue
- FOBO (fear of becoming obsolete)
- Follow the sun
- Forced Calling
- Forecast
- Forecasting
- Forecasting methoden
- Formatieve toetsing
- Fouten en Herhaalverkeer
- Fouttolerantie
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Frictie
- Frictieloos
- Frontoffice
- Fulfilment
- Full Time Equivalent (FTE)
- Functioneel beheer
- Fundraising
- Gaia-X
- Gain sharing
- Gamification
- Gantt Chart
- Gartner
- Gebeurtenisgedreven Forecasting
- Gecorrigeerd Aantal Calls per Agent
- Gegevensbeschermingseffectbeoordeling (GEB)
- Gemiddelde Antwoordsnelheid
- Gemiddelde Gespreksduur (Average Handling Time, AHT)
- Gemiddelde Gesprekswaarde (Average Call Value)
- Gemini
- Generatie X (Gen X)
- Generatie Y (Gen Y)
- Generatie Z (Gen Z)
- Generatieve AI
- Geplande Bezetting vs. Actuele Bezetting
- Geplande Call Back
- Gesloten vragen
- Gesplitste Diensten
- Gespreide Diensten (Staggered Shifts)
- Gespreksduur
- Gesprekskwaliteit
- Gespreksmodellen
- Gesprekssturing
- Gevoelige informatie
- Golden record
- Google Assistant
- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Gratis Nummer
- Guardrails
- Handled Call
- Handling Time
- Happy call
- Hardselling
- Hashtag
- Headcount
- Headset
- Helpdesk
- Helpdeskfraude
- Herhaalverkeer
- Herroepingsrecht
- Historische data
- Hitrate
- Holacracy
- Hold
- Holding Time
- Home Agent
- Homeshoring
- Hotline
- Hotseat
- Household Supplies Inc.
- HR analytics
- HR tech
- Human-in-the-loop
- Hunt Groep
- Hybride cloud
- Hybride werken
- Hyperpersonalisatie
- IaaS
- Identified Ringing
- Idle Time
- IM
- In-band Signaling
- Inbound
- Inclusiviteit
- Increments
- Induction
- Influencer marketing
- Infofilter
- Ingesprektoon
- Inhouse Contactcenter
- Inkomend Verkeer
- Inlogtijd
- Insourcing
- Instant Messaging (IM)
- Integrated Reporting
- Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
- Intelligent Routing
- Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
- International Access Code
- International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
- International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
- Internationale Toegangscode
- Interne Reponse Tijd
- Internet
- Internet Protocol (IP)
- Internet Service Provider (ISP)
- Internet Telephony
- Interpoleren
- Interval Based Accuracy
- Intervallen
- Intraday Forecast
- Intraday forecasting
- Intraday management
- Intraday reporting
- Intraday scheduling
- Intraday statistics
- Intraflow
- Intranet
- Intraweek Forecast
- Invisible Queue
- IP Telefonie
- ISO 18295
- ISO 27001
- IT Debt
- IT security
- Iter-RetGen
- Kalibreren
- Kanaalstrategie
- Kanaalsturing
- Kanban
- Kennismanagement
- Kennismanagementsysteem
- Kenniswerker
- Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
- Kiestoon
- Klachten
- Klant
- Klantadviseur
- Klantbeeld
- Klantbeleving
- Klantcontact
- Klantcontact.nl
- Klantcontactcenter (KCC)
- Klantcontactmedewerker
- Klantcontactprofessional
- Klantcontactstrategie
- Klantenservice
- Klantenservice Federatie (KSF)
- Klantgerichtheid
- Klantpanel
- Klantprofiel
- Klantreis
- Klantsegmentatie
- Klanttevredenheid
- Klanttevredenheidsonderzoek
- Klantverwachtingen
- Klantwaarde
- Know your customer (KYC)
- Knowledge graph
- Kontakta
- Koopsignalen
- KPO (Knowledge process outsourcing)
- Kunstmatige intelligentie
- Kwaliteitsmonitoring
- Kwantitatieve Prognosemethoden
- Lagging KPI’s
- Landencode
- Langstwachtende Agent
- Large action model (LAM)
- Large Language Model (LLM)
- Latency
- Lead
- Leader board
- Leadgeneratie
- Leading KPI’s
- Lean
- Lean Six Sigma
- Learning & development (L&D)
- Learning Experience Platform (LXP)
- Learning Management Systeem (LMS)
- Leave Without Pay (LWP)
- Legacy
- Legacy Systems
- Lerende organisatie
- Lift & shift
- Lijn
- Lijnbelasting
- Lijnbezetting
- Likelihood to recommend (LTR)
- Listbroker
- Live Agent
- Live chat
- Load Balancing
- Local Area Network (LAN)
- Logged On
- Lokalisatie
- Long Call
- Longest Available Agent
- Longest Delay
- Look Ahead Queuing
- Look Back Queuing
- Lost Calls
- Low code
- Loyaliteitsprogramma
- Loyalty
- Luisterlijn
- M-commerce
- Machine customer
- Machine learning
- Machine to machine
- Make Busy
- Malware
- Managed Insourcing
- Managed Staffing Arrangement
- Management By Walking Around (MBWA)
- Manual Answer
- Manual Available
- Marketing funnel
- Master Data Management (MDM)
- Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
- Medewerkerbeleving
- Medewerkertevredenheid
- Medewerkertevredenheidsonderzoek
- Meldkamer
- Meldplicht datalekken
- Meldtekst
- Member Gets Member (MGM)
- Message Unit
- Messaging
- Metaverse
- Metric
- Microlearning
- Microservices
- Migratie
- Mijn-omgeving
- Mission critical
- Model collapse
- Modular Jack
- Moment of truth
- MoSCoW
- Most-Idle Agent
- Moves, Adds and Changes (MAC)
- Multi factor authenticatie (MFA)
- Multi vendor sourcing
- Multichannel
- Multilingual
- Multimodaal
- Multisite
- Multiskilled
- Multitasking
- Music On Hold
- Mute
- Mystery calling
- Mystery Shopper
- Narrow AI
- Nasscom
- Nationaal algoritmeregister
- Nationaal Cyber Security Centrum (NCSC)
- Nationale Klantcontact Week (NKW)
- Nationale ombudsman
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
- Natuurlijke taal herkenning
- Nawerktijd
- Nearshoring
- Net Promoter Score (NPS)
- Net Rep
- Netspeak
- Network and Information Systems Directive (NIS2)
- Network lnterflow
- Neurodivergent
- Neurodiversiteit
- Next best action
- Next-available Agent
- No code
- No-bid
- No-input timeout
- Noise-Cancelling Headset
- Non-ACD In Calls
- Non-delivery scams
- Non-voice
- Noodnummers
- Normalized Calls per Agent
- Not Ready Tijd
- Nudging
- Nummerherkenning
- Nummerplan
- Nummerportabiliteit
- Occupancy
- Off Hook
- Off-Peak
- Off-the-shelf
- Offboarding
- Offered Call
- Offshoring
- Oldest Call
- Ombudsman
- Omnichannel
- Omnimodaal
- On Job Supervision
- On Job Training
- On premise
- On-device processing
- Onboarding
- Onderbezetting
- One Stop Service
- One Stop Shopping
- Ontdubbelen
- Open Ticket
- Open vragen
- OpenAI
- Operating Time Span
- Operator
- Operator (AI)
- Opgesplitste Diensten
- Opschalen
- Opt-in
- Opt-out
- Opta
- Orkestratie
- Out-of-the-box
- Outbound
- Outcome
- Outcome to contact ratio
- Outliers
- Output
- Outsourcing
- Overbezetting
- Overflow
- Overlay
- Overwerk
- PaaS
- Page Pushing
- Paperless Office
- Pareto diagram
- Pareto-Principe
- Participatief Leiderschap
- Payment card industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
- Peak-end-rule
- Peer Monitoring
- Peer-to-Peer Platform
- Penetration Rate
- Percent Allocation
- Percent Utilization
- Performance Driver
- Permission based marketing
- Persona
- Personalisatie
- Phishing
- Phygital
- PICNIC error
- Piekverkeer
- Pilot
- Plan Do Check Act cyclus (PDCA)
- Planning
- Planningshorizon
- Platform voor Klantgericht Ondernemen (PvKO)
- Platinum service
- Poaching
- Poisson
- Pooling Principle
- Position ID
- Post-Call Processing (PCP)
- Power Dialer
- Predictive analytics
- Predictive customer service
- Predictive Dialer
- Prefix
- Preview Dialer
- Price per Call
- Priming
- Priority Queuing
- Privacy
- Privacywetgeving
- Private AI
- Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX)
- Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
- Private cloud
- Proctoring
- Product Feed
- Profitcenter
- Prognose
- Prognosemethoden
- Prognotiseren
- Progressive Dialer
- Prompt
- Prompt engineer
- Proof of Concept (PoC)
- Prospect
- PSD2
- Public AI
- Public cloud
- Public-Switched Network (PSN)
- Public-Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
- Publieksdienstverlening
- Publiekszaken
- Rage clicks
- Random Availability
- Random Call Arrival
- Reader board
- Real Time Adherence
- Real Time Management
- Real Time Threshold
- Realtime
- Reason for outage (RFO)
- Received Call
- Recht van bezwaar
- Recht van verzet
- Recorded Announcement
- Recorded Announcement Route
- Recording
- Red carpet service
- Redial
- Redundancy
- Redundancy
- Refresher (training)
- Refund
- Regressieanalyse
- Remote Agent
- Request for Information (RFI)
- Request for Payment (RFP)
- Request for Proposal (RFP)
- Request for Quote (RFQ)
- Request for Service (RFS)
- Response Time
- Responsible AI
- Responstijd
- Retentie
- Retransitie
- Retrial Tables
- Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG)
- Return on Investment (ROI)
- Reverse engineering
- Ring Delay
- Ritz-Carlton 2000 dollar regel
- Robocall
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
- Rode telefoon
- Rolling forecast
- Rooster (schedule)
- Roosterdiscipline (Adherence to Schedule)
- Rostered Staff Factor (RSF)
- Round Robin
- Round-Robin Distribution
- Routering
- RSI (Repetetive Strain Injury)
- RTO Return to office
- RTT-agent
- Ruggespraak
- Rulesbased
- Rundles
- SaaS
- Same time zone support
- Scheduling
- Screen Monitoring
- Screen Pop
- Screen/Call Recording
- Screenreader
- Script
- Scrum
- SDK (software development kit)
- Seasonality
- Seat
- Selfservice
- Sentiment analyse
- Serious Gaming
- Service Design
- Service differentiatie
- Service Observation (SO)
- Service window
- Servicebeloften
- Servicelevel
- Servicelevel Agreement (SLA)
- Servicenummer (0800, 0900)
- Shadow IT
- Shared risk/shared revenue
- Shared Service Center (SSC)
- Shift
- Shopping cart
- Shopping cart abandonment
- Short calls
- Shrinkage
- Silent Monitoring
- Single Exponential Smoothing
- Single point of contact (SPOC)
- Single Sign On
- Single source of truth
- Single sourcing
- Siri
- Situationalization
- Six Sigma
- Skill Groep
- Skill Set
- Skills-based Routing (SBR)
- SKU – Stock Keeping Unit
- Slop
- Small language model (SLM)
- Social engineering
- Social media monitoring
- Social selling
- Soevereine cloud
- Soft Selling
- Softphone
- Sound Masking
- Sourcing
- Spam
- Span of Control
- Spear phishing
- Speech analytics
- Speech Emotion Recognition (SER)
- Speech to Speech Translation (S2ST)
- Speed of answer
- Split Shifts
- Spoofing
- Spraakherkenning
- Spraakroutering
- Spraaksynthese
- Sprekerverificatie
- Sprint
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
- Statement of work (SOW)
- Stembiometrie
- Stemproblemen
- Stichting Call Center College
- Stichting Een Nieuw Geluid
- Strong AI
- Summatieve toetsing
- Super user
- Supervisor
- Supervisor
- Supervisor Assist Toets
- Syndicat des Professionnels des Centres de Contacts (SP2C)
- Synthetische content
- Synthetische klant
- System integrator
- T-bin
- Talk Time
- Teamleader
- Tech savvy
- Technisch beheer
- Telecommerce
- Telecomwet
- Telefoontonen
- Telemarketing
- Telephone Service Factor (TSF)
- Telesales
- TenderNed
- Text-to-Speech (TTS)
- Texting
- Thick Client
- Thin client
- Third Party Callcenter
- Threshold
- Thuiswerken
- Tiered Scheduling
- Tijdreeksanalyse
- Time of Day Effectiveness
- Time-Series Forecasting
- Toegankelijkheid
- Toggle
- Token
- Toll Free
- Touchpoint
- Traffic Arrival
- Trafficing
- Train de trainer
- Transatlantic Data Privacy Framework
- Trend
- Trunk
- Turnover
- Tweedelijn
- Two factor authentication
- Valuecenter
- VCN – Vereniging Contactcenters Nederland
- Vendor Lock-in
- Verkeersrapporten
- Verloop
- Videocall
- Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- Virtueel Contactcenter
- Virtuele assistent
- Virtuele queue
- Visible Queue
- vision-language model (VLM)
- Voice
- Voice Authentication
- Voice cloning
- Voice Extensible Markup Language (VXML)
- Voice hacking
- Voice of the Customer (VoC)
- Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
- Voice Print
- Voice Response Unit (VRU)
- Voicebot
- VOiP
- Wachtrij
- Wachtrijdynamica
- Wachttekst
- Wachttijd (delay)
- Walldisplay
- Warme Hand
- Web 3.0
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
- Weigerredenen
- Werkgeversvereniging Facilitaire Contactcenters (WFC)
- Wet Arbeidsmarkt in Balans (WAB)
- Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens (Wbp)
- Wet overgang van onderneming
- WFM Association (WFMA)
- WFM register
- WFM-as-a-service
- Wft
- Whisper Transfer
- White glove
- Work from home (WFH)
- Work State
- Workforce Management (WFM)
- Workforce Optimization
- Workload
- Wrap-Up
- Written care
Dit klantcontact woordenboek van Ziptone is gebaseerd op Woordenboek Contact Center Management, in 2004 uitgegeven door F&G Publishing, Heerhugowaard. Die uitgave is de Nederlandse vertaling van ICMI’s Call Center Management Dictionary (Brad Cleveland, ICMI, Call Center Press).
In dit klantcontact woordenboek zijn verschillende lemma’s uit de oorspronkelijke Nederlandse vertaling uit 2004 weggelaten omdat ze niet meer relevant of in gebruik zijn. Daarnaast zijn andere, nieuwe termen uit het vakgebied toegevoegd door de redactie van Ziptone, onder meer uit #Contact (Erik Bouwer, Bizzbooks 2014) en uit verschillende online bronnen. Het Ziptone woordenboek wordt regelmatig aangevuld. Voor suggesties, aanvullingen en correcties kan je contact opnemen met de redactie van Ziptone.